Sims Way Tree Trimming Update
The PUD has set November 14th as a start date to cut back poplar trees from the power corridor along the Boat Haven on Sims Way.
The transmission line was de-energized in 2021 due to safety concerns about the trees being in contact with the lines. Trimming and limited tree removal is necessary to energize the 115,000-volt transmission line. The transmission line is one of two pathways to power homes and businesses along Sims Way and the downtown area, while also acting as the backup power path during storm season.
The work will be conducted by a certified tree trimming contractor with a specialized 100’ bucket truck. Trimming and tree removal operations are based on an existing 10′ easement providing safe space around transmission lines.
Trimming work completed along Sims Way by the PUD will precede the Sims Gateway and Boatyard Expansion Project planned to begin in 2023. Transmission lines will be undergrounded as part of the Gateway Project.