Sewer Rate Changes Begin March 5th

Over the past year the PUD has worked with FCS, consultant, to complete a cost-of-service analysis (COSA) and rate design update for the PUD utilities. FCS presented the revenue requirements and multiple rate design scenarios which would enable the PUD to start to bring the wastewater/sewer utility up to cost of service in addition to make process on becoming a standalone utility.

Through a few meetings and discussions, the proposed wastewater/sewer rates were changed from a postage stamp model into three separate rates, a: 1) Standard rate; 2) Beckett Point rate; and 3) Kala Point rate. Also, the three different rate classes were shown being phased into the proposed COSA wastewater/sewer rate within a 3-year, 5- year, 7-year and 10-year time period. At the August 17, 2021 Board of Commissioners meeting, the Board of Commissioner’s recommended the 5-year phase-in option. The first week of January 2022, PUD staff met with both Beckett Point and Kala Point regarding wastewater rates. The new sewer rates (see below) were approved on February 1st by the PUD BOC and are slated to go into effect on March 5, 2022. Approved 2022 Sewer Rate Sheet

System Group Current 2022 2023
Beckett Pt. $30.80 $64.62 TBD
Kala Pt. $20 $31.19 $36.79
Standard $30.80 $51.59 $61.99



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