Seeking Dist 3 Applicants for Citizen Advisory Board
Jefferson County PUD’s Citizen Advisory Board (CAB) is seeking applicants from District 3 (same as County Commissioners Districts) to fill a vacant position on its nine-member Board. Established by a resolution of the Board of Commissioners, the purpose of the CAB is to provide citizen recommendations to the JPUD Board on policy matters related to the operation of the PUD’s water, sewer, telecom and electrical utilities. District 3 applicants interested in serving on the CAB should submit a letter of interest including home address and telephone number as well as why they want to be on the CAB and any relevant experience. Note: all applications are subject to public records requests. Letters accepted through Friday, December 4, 2020. Submit by post to: JPUD 310 Four Corners Road, Port Townsend, WA 98368, or via email to: This is a non-paid position.