With Customer(s) signature and acceptance by the District, the application becomes a contract committing the Customer(s) to pay for utility services at the above location at the applicable and established rates and minimum charges, and for any unpaid services previously rendered to the Customer(s) by the District. The Customer(s) agree to be governed by the policies and Resolutions of the District which includes providing safe access to PUD property by PUD employees as required. Breach of contract by the Customer(s) shall obligate the Customer(s) for all loss suffered by the District by reason thereof. In addition, the Customer(s) hereby grants authorization to the District to check credit and utility history, and understand a deposit may be required prior to service. The Customer(s) agree that the information in this application is true and correct to the best of their knowledge. The Customer agrees to all terms of the District's Internet Service Agreement and Acceptable Use Policy and Customer Service Policy. The Customer(s) also agrees all terms of the District's Broadband Service Policies. All policies are linked below and will be made available in print upon request.
Link to Broadband Terms of Service
Link to Customer Service Policy
Link to Broadband Service Policies