Notice to Customers: Billing System Due Date Error

Some Jefferson County PUD customers may have received e-statement notifications with an incorrect due date.

Due to a billing system error, a message was mistakenly sent out to customers reminding them of an approaching or past due date stating “August 22nd”. Customers are advised to disregard the payment reminder messages that were received Friday morning, August 12, 2022.

Customers will receive a corrected bill with the appropriate billing due date of Sept. 1, 2022.

For those customers who received the incorrect e-statements and are set up for automatic payments, your payments will be drafted on the correct day, September 1st. Customers can verify all payments received and billing messaging via their PUD SmartHub online feature through

Customers can also call (360) 385-5800 to speak to a Customer Service representative to verify that they have a zero balance.



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