Meter Replacement Planned in 2022
The PUD is budgeting $1.5M for meter replacement in 2022. After being delayed in 2018, and subjected to a lengthy cost benefit analysis in 2020 and 2021, meter replacement is moving forward with the issuance of a request for proposals in late October and the expected selection of a vendor in December. Installation of new electric meters would begin in the spring of 2022.
The PUD currently has around 20,000 electric meters installed in Jefferson County. Most of the meters are over 30 years old, and some over 50. Just over a 1/3 of the meters are more recent replacements installed by the PUD since 2013. The proposed plan is to replace all of the meters* with a new Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) system. AMI was determined to offer the best features and value in the cost benefit analysis and allows for remote reading and better control.
*Customers signed up for our meter Opt-Out program will not be affected.