Give if you can. Ask for help if you need it.

The holidays are traditionally a time for coming together: with family, friends, or even coworkers at the annual company party; in warm lit spaces, with food and drink, sharing gifts and stories, recounting tales of the year gone by and resolutions for the year to come.

This holiday season, however, we are being asked to stay apart. While for many of us this means yet another of a series of events we spend on Zoom rather than in person with friends or family, for others it means being even further isolated after nearly a year of distancing and being kept apart.

December is dark and cold and wet and without companionship it can be hard to take. Without steady income, or with no income, with compromised or poor health, with insufficient housing or no housing, it can be unbearable. Without access to clean water and dry heated shelter, it can be unlivable.

For most of the last year in this newsletter we have printed a message saying “CALL IF YOU NEED HELP.” If a customer is struggling to afford their bills and reaches out, we can find ways to help, or set up a system of payment arrangements that can keep the heat on and water flowing. Customers who don’t call, or who don’t respond to our messages, are more likely to find themselves in trouble, getting sent to collections, or shut off. Usually both.

If you are struggling this holiday season, for any reason—money, shelter, sickness, loneliness—reach out. Ask for help. Jefferson County has many organizations and individuals ready to give. This has been a hard year that has only gotten harder. It is not shameful to seek assistance. It’s an act of dignity.

And if you have extra this holiday, keep in mind those who are struggling and give where you can. Give time, money, or safely distanced attention. Every bit helps. There are lots of organizations to donate to in Jefferson County, and lots of local businesses that could use your help to make it through the winter.

Round Up or Donate to the Rainy Day Fund

Keep the heat and lights on and water flowing for some of our most vulnerable citizens. Check the box on your bill to round up to the nearest dollar each month. You can also make a monthly or one time donation. Funds are distributed by OlyCAP and the Society of St. Vincent De Paul.




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