Week of Events
CANCELLED: Special Meeting: 2023 PUD Financial Audit
CANCELLED: Special Meeting: 2023 PUD Financial Audit
CANCELLED Jefferson County PUD’s Board of Commissioners will hold a Special Meeting beginning at 3pm on May 07, 2024. The regular meeting of the BOC will begin at 4:00pm. With the adoption by the Washington State Legislature of ESHB 1329, providing for both virtual and in-person meetings to be held, JPUD will be offering both virtual on-line meetings via Zoom, as well as in-person for each meeting, unless advance notice is provided. In person attendance will […]
Regular Meeting of BOC
Regular Meeting of BOC
Jefferson County PUD’s Board of Commissioners regularly meet at 4pm on the first and third Tuesday of each month and hold a budget hearing the first Monday in October. One regular board meeting is held in December on the second Tuesday. With the adoption by the Washington State Legislature of ESHB 1329, providing for both virtual and in-person meetings to be held, JPUD will be offering both virtual on-line meetings via Zoom, as well as in-person […]