Commercial buildings often have highly complex and unique systems and variable operations. For this reason, many commercial energy efficiency opportunities are best approached as custom projects. BPA has a team of Customer Service Engineers on hand to support customer utilities in identifying custom project opportunities for retrofit and new construction.
Commercial Lighting Program
Incentives are designed to help reduce electric costs and improve efficiency while paying up to 70% of installed cost for qualified projects. The program offers free analysis of current lighting efficiency, recommended improvements, estimated costs, and return on investment outlook.
Commercial Ductless Heat Pump (DHP) Program
Ductless heat pumps help reduce electric costs for smaller commercial buildings, while providing air conditioning. To qualify, your building must: 1. Be currently heated by either zonal or forced-air electric resistance heat; 2. Currently have a heat pump with an AHRI certificate and a HSPF2 minimum rating of 10.4 for non-ducted units and a 9.4 HSPF2 rating for ducted units. Current incentive is $1,000 per ton of installed outdoor unit cooling capacity for each ductless heat pump installed. Please note: Installation must be conducted by a certified ductless heat pump contractor.
Commercial Ductless Form
Commercial Heat Pump Retrofit & Upgrade
Retrofit: Replaces an existing electric-resistance heating system with an efficient electric air-source heat pump, and can include adding an electric air-source heat pump to a system where one did not previously exist. Incentive: $1,000 per ton of heat pump retrofit. Preconditions: The space must be conditioned by zonal or forced-air, electric-resistance heat as the primary heating source. No other heating sources are eligible.
Upgrade: 1. Replaces an existing electric air-source heat pump with a more efficient electric air-source heat pump; 2. Is an efficient electric air-source heat pump installed as part of a building addition project, new construction project, or major renovation project. Incentive: $150 per ton of heat pump upgrade. Preconditions: The space must be conditioned by an operational or failed air-source heat pump, or be part of a building addition project, new construction project, or major renovation project.
Post-conditions (for both retrofit & upgrade work): The installed heat pump must: 1. Be an air-to-air heat pump; 2. Have an AHRI certificate of product rating; 3. Meet BPA efficiency requirements for both heating and cooling.
Commercial Window Replacement Program
Current incentives for window replacement is $9/sqft for qualifying commercial building when replaced with Energy Star products. Please note: Installation must be conducted by a certified contractor. Preconditions: 1. Commercial building must be electrically heated; 2. Pre-exisiting windows must be single pane, single pane with storm windows, or double pane with metal frame; 3. Replacement windows must have a National Fenestration Rating Council-rated U-value of 0.30 or lower.
Commercial Window Form
Commercial Connected Thermostat Program
Commercial buildings replacing existing non-web-enabled electric or gas heat thermostats may qualify for a $150 incentive (and $50 programming verification rebate). Buildings are eligible for more than one web-enable thermostat rebate. Rebate applies to each thermostat controlling a separate fan supplying a separate zone. Qualifying thermostats must be listed on the BPA’s connected thermostat qualified list.
Custom Projects Program
If you are an equipment installation contractor and think you have a building that qualifies for a custom project approach, please contact your local utility. For an easy-to-use zip code lookup tool of utility contacts and incentives, visit the Trade Ally Network NW’s Local Resource Search page.
BPA custom project payments range from $0.025/kWh to $0.35, up to 70% of incremental project cost.
Custom projects follow 5 basic steps
- Proposal development
- The utility works with its customer to develop a custom project proposal, including estimated energy savings, project cost, and measurement & verification (M&V) plan. A custom project proposal is not strictly required for every project, but it is often a good idea. A BPA Customer Service Engineer is available to provide technical expertise during proposal development.
- Proposal submittal
- The utility submits the proposal to BPA for review and approval.
- Project implementation
- The utility works with its customer and necessary trade allies to complete the project. BPA’s trade ally networks are on hand to support identification of trade allies that can serve projects effectively. Note that the order and purchase date of the equipment must be after BPA approval of the custom project proposal (if applicable).
- Project close-out
- The measurement & verification (M&V) are completed and the custom project completion report is prepared. The BPA Customer Service Engineer is available to provide M&V expertise during the project close-out and can help fill out the necessary custom project completion report.
- Project completion
- The utility submits the completion report to BPA for review and acceptance. Final payment from BPA to utility is based on the accepted completion report data.