Resolutions of the Board of Commissioners

2022Tue Feb 01 20222022-007A Resolution revising, updating and approving certain changes to the PUD wastewater/sewer rates.2022 Rates
2021Jul 20 20212021-019Resolution revising, updating and approving further changes to the PUD low-income water rate discount program and the PUD rate schedules for low-income discounts for water customersApproved Water Rates
2021Nov 02 20212021-038A resolution authorizing application to the Rural Utility Service (RUS) for the RUS RDAPPLY program
2021Nov 02 20212021-039A resolution accepting the Public Works Board Construction Loan award for the Quilcene Water Tank and authorizing the General Manager to sign the PWB loan contract.
2022Tue Feb 01 20222022-008A resolution updating Governance Policies regarding the manner of public participation.
2022Tue Feb 15 20222022-009A establishing Titles and Bi-weekly Salary Ranges for non-represented employees.Titles, Salaries, and Benefits
2020Jan 21 20202020-001Resolution approving Non-Represented Salary Schedule
2020Jan 21 20202020-002Resolution approving Check Signing Authorization
2020Mar 1 20202020-003Resolution rescinding raise of Rate 43 Interruptible Schools Rate.
2020Mar 3 20202020-004Resolution adopting various construction rates for electrical services.
2020Mar 24 20202020-005Resolution adopting various construction rates for water and sewer services
2020Mar 18 20202020-006Resolution declaring an emergency in response to the COVID-19 outbreak.
2020Apr 7 20202020-007Resolution updating the PUD's financial policies
2020Apr 7 20202020-008Resolution updating the PUD's procurement manual
2020Apr 21 20202020-009Resolution authorizing the GM to pursue purchase of property at 300 Four Corners Rd
2020May 5 20202020-010Resolution regarding returning customer deposits through bill credits.
2020May 19 20202020-011Resolution directing the Jefferson County Treasurer to transfer funds and close certain accounts.
2020Jun 2 20202020-012Resolution adopting a telecommuting policy.
2020Jul 7 20202020-013Resolution authorizing the segregation of assessment for Bywater Shine LUD
2020Jun 17 20202020-015Resolution establishing a multi-government process for collaborating on the establishment of a COVID-19 recovery and resilience plan.
2020Jul 7 20202020-016Resolution regarding PUD employee vacation extension
2019Jan 2 20192019-003Resolution to authorize signatures for check signing
2019Jan 2 20192019-004Resolution declaring an emergency for Dec 2018
2019Jan 15 20192019-005Resolution to authorize Assist GM to sign Real Estate docs
2019Feb 5 20192019-006Resolution for separation agreement with Larry Dunbar
2019Feb 5 20192019-007Resolution for non-union pay increases-Non-rep employees COLA(cancelled)
2019Jan 29 20192019-008Resolution for the PIF grant
2019Feb 5 20192019-009Resolution to appoint Acting General manager to be authorized to file RUS requirements
2019Feb 5 20192019-010Resolution to declare State of emergency for Feb 4th and 5th, 2019
2019Feb 19 20192019-011Resolution to rescind 2019-37, emergency work on Swansonville
2019Feb 19 20192019-012Resolution to declare state of emergency Feb 2019
2019Mar 5 20192019-013Resolution for NoaNet loan
2019Mar 5 20192019-014Resolution declaring new auditor, Mike Bailey
2019Jun 4 20192019-015Resolution for the Appointment of Kevin Streett, General Manager
2019May 21 20192019-016Resolution to adopt customer service policies
2019May 21 20192019-017Resolution to cancel outstanding warrants
2019Aug 6 20192019-019Resolution for Titles and Salaries for non-represented employees
2019Sep 3 20192019-020Resolution for Segregation of Assessment LUD No. 11 3(Water)
2019Sep 3 20192019-021Resolution to add Tier 4 Water Rate (high end water users)
2019Oct 7 20192019-022Resolution for Tax Levy update for 2020
2019Oct 15 20192019-023Resolution to Adoption of the 2020 Budget
2019Sep 17 20192019-024Resolution for Senior Low-income rate reduction increase
2019Oct 7 20192019-025Resolution for Water Leak adjustment policy
2019Oct 7 20192019-026Resolution Low income policy
2019Oct 15 20192019-027Resolution rescinded 2017-009 for Commissioner time reporting new Resolution
2019Oct 15 20192019-028Resolution to add Samantha Harper to as a check signer
2019Nov 19 20192019-030Resolution for Segregation of Assessment (Sewer)
2019Dec 10 20192019-032Resolution to authorize borrowing a line of credit from CFC
2019Dec 10 20192019-033Resolution to establish guidelines for using line of credit from CFC
2019Dec 10 20192019-034Resolution for Opt-out policy
2018Feb 6 20182018-001Resolution to change Rates and Charges
2018Feb 6 20182018-002Resolution to amend Low Income rates
2018Feb 20 20182018-003Resolution to purchase 210 Four Corners Rd. Port Townsend
2018Feb 20 20182018-004Resolution amending time for Low Income Seniors
2018Mar 6 20182018-005Resolution for Non-Represented employees wage increase for 2018
2018Mar 20 20182018-006Resolution to allow Negotiations and Appointment for GM Candidate
2018Mar 20 20182018-007Resolution recognizing the outstanding contributions of Kevin Streett as Assistant Manager
2018Mar 20 20182018-008Resolution to sell surplus property
2018Mar 20 20182018-009Resolution to Cancel outstanding warrants
2018Apr 3 20182018-010Resolution to change the payment on the assessments for Local Utility District No. 15 Beckett Point
2018Apr 17 20182018-011Resolution dedicating Kearney Substation to Dana Roberts Substation
2018Apr 17 20182018-012Resolution to change Water Rates
2018Apr 17 20182018-013Resolution for Telecom Rates
2018Oct 26 20182018-015Resolution to clarify the Role of the Citizens Advisory Board
2018Jun 19 20182018-016CERB Resolution to submit application for Grant
2018Jun 19 20182018-017Resolution to sell surplus property 230 Chimacum Rd.
2018Jun 19 20182018-018Resolution to increase Water Rates
2018Jun 19 20182018-019Resolution to declare public works emergency at Coyle water system
2018Jul 3 20182018-020Resolution to establish late fees for Residential and non-Residential bills
2018Aug 7 20182018-021Resolution for Declaration of Official Intent to Reimburse Bond Expenditures
2018Nov 20 20182018-022Resolution to approve the 2019 Budget
2018Oct 16 20182018-024Resolution for Tax Levy
2018Oct 16 20182018-025Resolution for Surplus
2018Nov 6 20182018-027Resolution for Sole Source approving purchase of Landis&Gyr meters
2018Oct 16 20182018-029Resolution to rescind Resolution 2018-026 Lighting and Miscellaneous attachment
20182018-030Resolution to approve Energy NW to support Horn Rapids Solar & Training project (HRSST)
2018Dec 11 20182018-032Resolution to honor and appreciate Wayne King
2018Nov 20 20182018-033Resolution to authorize signatures for check signing
2018Nov 26 20182018-034Resolution accepting offers to purchase real estate from the PUD.
20172017-001Resolution recognizing the outstanding service and contributions of Barney Burke
2017Mar 7 20172017-002Resolution for Resolution for Low Income
2017Jan 17 20172017-003Resolution for Water Meters and ERTs
2017Feb 7 20172017-004Resolution for Segregation of Sewer
2017Feb 7 20172017-005Resolution for Personnel Policies
2017Feb 21 20172017-006Resolution for RUS form
2017Mar 21 20172017-007Resolution to appoint a new auditor – Susan Carter
2017Mar 21 20172017-008Resolution for Exempt merit increases for 2017
2017Apr 4 20172017-009Resolution of the Board of Commissioners defining commissioners’ imputed hours for pension reporting purposes.
2017Apr 18 20172017-010Resolution of the Board of Commissioners setting District Manager’s salary
2017Apr 18 20172017-011Resolution declaring a State of Emergency
2017Aug 15 2017



Resolution replacing Resolution 2012-004 PUD Interconnection policy
2017Jun 21 20172017-014Resolution using NRUCF One Card Program
2017Sep 5 20172017-015Resolution to have membership in the NRECA
2017Aug 15 20172017-017Resolution to Update and Clarifying the role of the CAB
2017Sep 19 20172017-018Resolution declaring Jim Parker’s resignation
2017Oct 2 20172017-019Resolution adjusting Assistant Manager’s compensation
2017Oct 2 20172017-020Resolution to appoint new auditor – Tammy Lehmann
2017Nov 7 20172017-021Resolution to increase levy vs District’s prior levy amount
2017Nov 21 20172017-022Resolution that prepares a budget for 2018
2017Nov 7 20172017-023Resolution declaring PUD state of Emergency (Oct 2017)
2017Nov 21 20172017-024Resolution declaring PUD state of Emergency (Nov 2017)
2017Dec 12 20172017-025Resolution authorizing certain petty cash funds established for Transacting Dist. Business
2017Dec 12 20172017-026Resolution for PURMS to change the dental plan for IBEW
2016Feb 2 20162016-001A Resolution declaring the period of December 1 through December 14, 2015 a state of emergency and authorizing the PUD manager to purchase materials and order work to assist regularly employed personnel in the any amount necessary.
2016Jan 19 20162016-002A Resolution of the BOC authorizing 1st Security Bank as a PUD Depository Bank.
2016Mar 15 20162016-003A Resolution establishing Titles and Biweekly Salary Ranges for Staff Employees plus Incorporating Benefits for Non-Represented employees.
2016Mar 15 20162016-004A Resolution declaring State of Emergency
2016May 17 20162016-005A Resolution appointing auditor
2016Aug 16 20162016-006A Resolution adopting the Financial policy
2016Sep 1 20162016-007A Resolution Cancelled warrants
2016Aug 16 20162016-008A Resolution of Surplus property
2016Sep 6 20162016-009A Resolution of Telecom rates
2016Sep 20 20162016-010A Resolution authorizing payment of Actual Necessary travel and living expenses
2016Sep 20 20162016-011A Resolution the District Governance Policy
2016Oct 3 20162016-012A Resolution Protecting Customer Data
2016Oct 3 20162016-013A Resolution authorizing a Sole Source Purchase
2016Nov 1 20162016-014A Resolution adopting the limit factor for property tax increases for 2017 budget purposes
2016Nov 1 20162016-015A Resolution to decrease their regular levy versus the District’s prior year’s levy amount, not including increases that would occur from new construction and increases in states valued assessed properties.
2016Nov 1 20162016-016A Resolution Adopting a Budget for the Calendar Year 2017
2016Nov 1 20162016-017A Resolution establishing the District Telecommunications Network and Network Access Charges for its Dark fiber
2016Oct 18 20162016-018A Resolution declaring Oct 13-17 a State of Emergency
2016Nov 1 20162016-019A Resolution Updating and Clarifying the Role of the Citizen’s Advisory Board
2016Dec 13 20162016-020A Resolution Superseding Resolution 2013-006 a Resolution adopting various Public Utility District Electric Service Regulations, and setting current PUD Rates, and Charges.
2016Nov 1 20162016-021A Resolution appointing a District Auditor – PUD Controller
2016Nov 15 20162016-022A Resolution adopting the Jefferson County-City of Port Townsend All Hazards Mitigation Plan (Revised 2016)
2016Dec 13 20162016-023A Resolution ordering the Segregation of an Assessment on the Assessment Roll of Local Utility District No. 3
20152015-001A Resolution for Ken McMillen’s years of service as commissioner for Jefferson County PUD
2015Jan 6 20152015-002A Resolution to declare January 17 and January 18, 2015 a state of emergency and authorizing the PUD manager to purchase materials and order work to assist regularly employed personnel in any amount necessary.
2015Jan 20 20152015-003A Resolution that Michael Legarsky was appointed as the PUD District Auditor by Resolution 2013-04 and that Michael will discontinue employment for the PUD effective January 31, 2015.
2015Jan 20 20152015-004A Resolution declaring the period of January 17-January 18, 2015 a state of emergency and authorizing the PUD manager to purchase materials and order work to assist regularly employed personnel in any amount necessary.
2015Feb 17 20152015-005A Resolution of the BOC of Public Utility District #1 authorizing overtime pay for certain exempt employees during emergency situations.
2015Mar 17 20152015-006A Resolution appointing a District Auditor in accordance with RCW 54.24.010 and authorizing the Auditor as signer on all PUD bank accounts for the purpose of issuing warrants for payment of District bills.
2015Apr 21 20152015-007A Resolution establishing Titles and Bi-Weekly Salary Ranges for Staff Employees plus Incorporating Benefits for Non-Represented Employees rescinding Resolution 2013-005 and putting this Resolution effective June 5, 2015.
2015May 19 20152015-008A Resolution establishing Rules and Procedures under RCW Chapter 42.56, the Public Records Act, Consistent with the Attorney General Model Rules Codified at WAC Chapter 44-14, et. Seq.
2015Jun 2 20152015-009A Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of Public Utility District No. 1 of Jefferson County, Washington ("the PUD"), establishing Titles and Biweekly Salary Ranges for Staff Employees plus Incorporating Benefits for Non-represented Employees
2015Jun 16 20152015-010A Resolution setting the District Manager’s Compensation.
2015Aug 4 20152015-011A Resolution adopting the Governance of the Jefferson County PUD No 1 Commission
2015Sep 1 20152015-012A Resolution for authorization to cancel PUD issued Warrant.
2015Sep 1 20152015-014A Resolution declaring the period of August 29 and 30, 2015 a state of emergency and authorizing the PUD manager to purchase materials and order work to assist regularly personnel in any amount necessary.
2015Nov 3 20152015-015A Resolution Adopting a Budget for the Calendar Year 2016
2015Nov 3 20152015-016A Resolution adopting the limit factor for property tax increase for 2016 budget purposes
2015Nov 3 20152015-017A Resolution to decrease their regular levy versus the District’s prior year’s levy amount, not including increases that would occur from new construction and increases in states valued assessed properties.
2015Nov 3 20152015-018A Resolution to prohibit signs, banners and other non-utility messages from PUD#1 of Jefferson County property.
2015Dec 8 20152015-019A Resolution declaring the period of 17, 18 and 19 and 20 November, 2015 a state of emergency and authorizing the PUD manager to purchase materials and order work to assist regularly employed personnel in the any amount necessary.
2014March 18 20142014-001A Resolution authorizing the Manager to execute UCC-1 security filings on behalf of the Board of Commissioners.
2014Jan 21 20142014-002Segregation of assessment-MI
2014March 4 20142014-004Purchase of ITRON Meters
2014May 20 20142014-005A Resolution Declaring Certain Property to be Surplus and Authorizing the Sale or Other Disposal of Said Property.
2014May 20 20142014-006A Resolution ordering the Segregation of an Assessment on the Assessment Roll of Local Utility District No. 5
2014July 1 20142014-007A Resolution authorizing the execution and approval of a Seventh Repayment Agreement relating to a line of credit for Northwest Open Access Network (NOANET)
2014Aug 5 20142014-008A Resolution authorizing the General Manager to administer merit pay increases, based on Performance for employees of the District, not represented under the CBA and excluding the General Auditor.
2014Sep 16 20142014-009A Resolution authorizing the Jefferson County Treasurer to cancel outstanding warrants.
2014Nov 18 20142014-010A Resolution Adopting a Budget for the Calendar Year 2015
2014Nov 18 20142014-011A Resolution to decrease their regular levy verses the District’s prior year’s levy amount, not including increases that would occur from new construction and increases in states valued assessed properties.
2013Jan 8 20132013-001A Resolution ordering the change to assessments on the Assessment Roll of Local Utility District #14.
2013Feb 5 20132013-002A Resolution authorizing PUD officials to sign Rural Utilities Service (“RUS”) forms in connection with requisitioning and accounting for Loan Funds.
2013March 5 20132013-004A Resolution authorizing the execution and delivery of a Master Governmental Lease Purchase Agreement and Supplement No. 385386 403 thereto with respect to the acquisition, purchase, financing and leasing of certain equipment for the public benefit; authorizing the taking of all other actions necessary to the consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Resolution.
2013Mar 5 20132013-005A Resolution establishing Titles and Biweekly salary ranges for Staff employees plus Incorporating Benefits for Non-represented Employees.
2013Mar 19 20132013-006A Resolution Superseding Resolution 2011-010 in the adopting various Public Utility District electric service regulations, and setting current PUD Rates, and Charges.
2013Mar 19 20132013-007A Resolution adopting a low income senior citizens and low income disables citizens reduced rates policy.
2013Mar 19 20132013-008A Resolution adopting a budget billing plan for its customers.
2013Mar 19 20132013-010A Resolution adopting a Voluntary Contribution Low-Income Assistance Program for its residential customers.
2013Mar 19 20132013-011A Resolution ordering the Segregation of an Assessment on the Assessment Roll of Local Utility District No. 14.
2013May 7 20132013-012A Resolution ratifying the Execution of a Contract for the Temporary Extension of PURMS Property Pool Insurance Coverage to the District; and Declaring the Intent and Agreement to Become a Member of the PURMS Property Pool Upon the Approval of the PURMS Board of Directors.
2013May 21 20132013-013A Resolution setting the District Manger’s Compensation.
2013May 7 20132013-014A Resolution appointing a permanent district Auditor in accordance with RCW 54.24.010.
2013Jun 18 20132013-015A Resolution ordering the Segregation of an Assessment on the Assessment Roll of Local Utility District No. 14
2013Jun 18 20132013-016A Resolution requesting guaranteed Federal Financing Bank (FFB) Loan
2013Jun 18 20132013-017A Resolution Approval of Ten Year Financial Forecast
2013Jun 18 20132013-018A Resolution Approval of Construction Work Plan Amendment #3
2013Aug 20 20132013-019A Resolution Approval of Petty Cash funds established
2013Sep 17 20132013-020A Resolution establishing the District Telecommunications Network and Network Access Charges
2013Nov 5 20132013-021A Resolution adopting a Budget for the Calendar Year 2014
2013Nov 5 20132013-022A Resolution to decrease their levy verses the District’s prior year’s levy amount, not including increases that would occur from new construction and increases in states valued assessed properties.
2013Nov 5 20132013-023A Resolution authorizing execution of an inter-local agreement for the purpose of purchasing finance software using the Grays Harbor County Public Utility District No. 1 purchasing process and contract.
2012Jan 3 2012



A Resolution in the Matter of Establishing Public Utility District Commissioner Districts
2012Jan 17 20122012-002A Resolution giving approval of Ten year Financial Forecast
2012Jan 27 20122012-003A Resolution requesting guaranteed Federal Financing Bank (FFB) Loan
2012Jan 27 20122012-004A Resolution adopting an Interconnection of Distributed Recourses Policy
2012Feb 21 20122012-005A Resolution declaring from time to time certain Vehicles and Equipment to be unserviceable, inadequate, obsolete, worn out or unfit to be used in the operations of the District and the intent to sell said vehicles and equipment.
2012Feb 21 20122012-006A Resolution canceling an outstanding warrant that has not been redeemed within one year.
2012Mar 6 20122012-007A Resolution declaring its approval of the Public Utility Risk Management Services (PURMS) and Declaring its approval of the 2011 Amendments to PURMS Interlocal Agreement and authorizing the District’s signing Representative to execute the amended ILA on behalf of the District.
20122012-008A Resolution accepting a constructed Water Main Extension to the Quimper Water System as a gift  and contribution in aid of construction from the Developer and an agreement for the District to commence operation and management of the facilities.
2012Jun 19 20122012-009A Resolution to show appreciation to Mike McClure for more than twenty-four years of superb service for the District and its Customers.
2012Jul 3 20122012-010A Resolution amending Resolution No. 2008-003 to change the interest rate on the assessments for Local Utility District No. 15.
2012Jul 17 20122012-011A Resolution relating to contracts and procurement; amending policies and procedures for the use of small works rosters to accomplish District projects and for acquisition of District materials, equipment or supplies; establishing a vendor list process for the purchasing of materials; equipment or supplies and a small works roster process to award public works contracts; repealing Resolution No. 90-313, and other resolutions inconsistent herewith.
2012Aug 21 20122012-012A Resolution authorizing the payment of actual necessary travel and living expenses for interviews for the position of Electrical Operations Superintendent.
2012Sep 4 20122012-013A Resolution authorizing the execution and approval of a Sixth Repayment Agreement relating to a line of credit for Northwest Open Access Network.
2012Sep 18 20122012-014A Resolution approving the acquisition, from the Kala Point Utility company, of all the real and personal property comprising the Kala Point water distribution system; authorizing the assumption and future operation of the Kala Point water distribution system by the PUD; and authorizing the District Manager, James Parker, to execute all documents necessary to close that transaction.
2012Oct 1 20122012-015A Resolution approving the acquisition of all of the real and personal property of Jefferson County Water District No. 3 (“WD3”); authorizing the assumption of the operation of WD3’s water distribution system; and authorizing the District Manager, James Parker, to execute all documents necessary to close that transaction.
2012Sep 20 20122012-016A Resolution to cancel a warrant of the PUD which have not been presented to the County Treasurer within one year of being issued.
2012Oct 1 20122012-017A Resolution to establish a policy for the establishment of citizen boards, liaisons, blue ribbon work groups and citizen task forces.
2012Oct 1 20122012-019A Resolution appointing the PUD District Manager be the Certifier on behalf of the PUD, who shall be responsible for submitting and certifying to the Rural Utilities Service (“RUS”), an agency of the US Dept of Agriculture delivering Rural Development Utilities Programs, any and all data required by RDUP Form 674 and to be the Security Administrator on behalf of the District, who shall  give access to the corporation’s data, as appropriate, to other employees, or contractors of the Corporation, for the purpose of complying with RDUP Form 674.
2012Oct 1 20122012-020A Resolution appointing a permanent District Auditor in accordance with RCW 54.24.010 and authorizing the Auditor as signer on all PUD bank accounts for the purpose of issuing warrants for payment of District bills.
2012Feb 21 20122012-021A Resolution authorizing the execution and delivery of a Master Governmental lease-purchase agreement and supplement No. 385386-402 thereto with respect to the acquisition, purchase, financing and the leasing of certain equipment for the public benefit. Authorizing the taking of all other actions necessary to the consummation of the transactions contemplated by this resolution.
2012Feb 21 20122012-022A Resolution authorizing the execution and delivery of a Master Governmental Lease Purchase Agreement and Supplement No.385386 401 thereto with respect to the acquisition, purchase, financing and leasing of certain equipment for the public benefit; authorizing the taking of all other actions necessary to the consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Resolution.
2012Feb 21 20122012-023A Resolution authorizing the execution and delivery of a Master Governmental Lease Purchase Agreement and Supplement No. 385386 400 thereto with respect to the acquisition, purchase, financing and leasing of certain equipment for the public benefit; authorizing the taking of all other actions necessary to the consummation of the transactions contemplated by this Resolution.
2012Nov 20 2012



A Resolution authorizing the issuance of an Electric system Revenue Bond in the principal amount of not to exceed $115,507,000 to provide funds with which to pay the cost of acquiring electric utility facilities and constructing improvements; authorizing the sale of the Bond to the Federal Financing Bank; authorizing a guaranty of the Bond to be provided by the Rural Utilities Service secured by a Reimbursement Bond to be issued by the District; fixing and approving the terms and covenants of the Bond, the Reimbursement Bond and the loan guaranty; and providing for other matters properly related thereto.
2012Nov 20 20122012-025A Resolution establishing a revolving line of credit and authorizing the issuance and sale of a taxable limited tax general obligation bond anticipation note in the principal amount of not to exceed $5,000,000 to evidence the line of credit to provide funds with which to pay the costs of capital and other expenditures; fixing the terms and covenants of the note; and approving the sale and providing for the delivery of the note to Bank of America, N.A.
2012Nov 20 20122012-026A Resolution to decrease their regular levy versus the District’s prior year’s levy amount, not including increases that would occur from new construction and increases in states valued assessed properties.
2012Nov 20 20122012-027A Resolution adopting Budget for the Calendar Year 2013.
2012Nov 20 20122012-028A Resolution adopting the Citizen Advisory Board
2011Jan 5 20112011-001A Resolution of the Board of Commissioners setting the District Resource Manager’s Compensation.
2011Jan 5 20112011-002A Resolution of the Board of Commissioners setting the District Manager’s Compensation.
2011May 3 20112011-003Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of Public Utility District No. 1 of Jefferson County, Washington authorizing the Manager to designate, for the purpose of designating certain expenditures for potential reimbursement from bonds that may be authorized and approved for issuance by the Board of Commissioners in the future.
2011Jul 5 20112011-004A Resolution Approving May 2011 Load Forecast.
2011Aug 5 20112011-005A Resolution Requesting Guaranteed Federal Financing Ban (FFB) Loan.
2011Aug 5 20112011-006A Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of Public Utility District No.1 of Jefferson County, Washington ordering the change to an assessment on the Assessment Roll of Local Utility District #14.
2011Jun 7 20112011-008A Resolution of the Public Utility District’s Board of Commissioners adopting the updated Water System Plan dated June 2011.
2011Jul 5 20112011-009A Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of Public Utility District No. 1 of Jefferson County, Washington ordering the change to an assessment on the Assessment Roll of Local Utility District #14.
2011Jun 7 20112011-010A Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of Public Utility District No. 1 of Jefferson County, Washington adopting various Public Utility District Electric Service Regulations and Plans in anticipation of the District’s operational ownership and control of the electrical distribution facilities in Eastern Jefferson County.
2011Oct 3 20112011-011A Resolution accepting a constructed water main extension to the Quimper Water System as a gift and contribution in aid of construction from the Individual Property Owners providing easements and acting as joint Developers of an 8 inch PVC water main extension on adjoining Jefferson County Parcels and an agreement for the District to commence operation and management of the facilities.
2011Jul 19 20112011-012A RESOLUTION of the Board of Commissioners of Public Utility District No. 1 of Jefferson County, Washington (JPUD), appointing the District Manager as the District Certifier and Security Administrator.
2011Sep 6 20112011-013A Resolution canceling outstanding warrants that have not been redeemed in one year.
2011Nov 1 20112011-014A Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of Public Utility District No. 1 of Jefferson County, Washington to increase their regular levy versus the District’s prior year’s levy amount, not including increases that would occur from new construction and increases in the states valued assessed properties.
2011Nov 1 20112011-015A Resolution Adopting a Budget for the Calendar Year 2012
2010Jan 20 20102010-001A Resolution of the Board of Commissioners to recognize the superb service Dana Roberts provided the District, it’s customers, and all the citizens of Jefferson County both as an involved citizen and as the PUD District 1 Commissioner.
2010Feb 17 20102010-002A Resolution accepting a constructed water main extension to the Quimper Water System as a gift and contribution in aid of construction from the Developer; and an agreement for the District to commence operation and management of the facilities.
2010Feb 17 20102010-003A Resolution accepting the South Seven Senior Village Community Drain Field and Collection System as a gift and contribution in aid of construction from the Developer; and agreement to commence operation and management of the sewer system.
2010Feb 17 20102010-004A Resolution accepting a constructed water main extension to the Quimper Water System as a gift and contribution in aid of construction from the Developer; and an agreement for the District to commence operation and management of the facilities.
2010Feb 17 20102010-005A Resolution accepting a constructed water main extension to the Quimper Water System as a gift ad contribution from the Developer; and an agreement for the District to commence operation and management of the facilities.
2010May 5 20102010-006A Resolution Establishing a Green House Gas Emission Reduction Policy for PUD #1 of Jefferson County.
2010Jun 16 20102010-007A Resolution adopting the Jefferson County-City of Port Townsend Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan (Revised 2009) for Public Utility District No. 1 of Jefferson County, Washington.
2010Jun 11 20102010-008A Resolution of the Commission of Public Utility District No. 1 of Jefferson County Washington, approving the Asset Purchase Agreement between Puget Sound Energy, Inc. and Public Utility District No.1 of Jefferson County; and directing the District Manager to request service from the United States Bonneville Power Administration, and to acquire the funding necessary to finance the acquisition.
2010Jun 16 20102010-009A Resolution authorizing an inter-fund loan from the PUD’s Enterprise Fund to its General Fund.
2010Jun 30 20102010-010A Resolution of the Public Utility District No. 1 of Jefferson County, Washington, executing a Power Sales Agreement between Bonneville Power Administration and Public Utility District No.1 of Jefferson County.
2010Aug 4 20102010-011A Resolution canceling outstanding warrants that have not been redeemed within one year.
2010Apr 5 20102010-012A Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of Public Utility District No. 1 of Jefferson County, Washington accepting a constructed water main extension to the Quimper Water System as a gift and contribution in aid of construction from the Develop and an agreement for the District to commence operation and management of the facilities.
2010Nov 3 20102010-013A Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of Public Utility District No.1 of Jefferson County, Washington to increase their regular levy versus the District’s prior years levy amount, not including increases that would occur from new construction and increases in the states valued assessed properties.
2010Nov 3 20102010-014A Resolution Adopting a Budget for the Calendar Year 2011.
2010Oct 4 2010



A Resolution of the Board of Commissioners Authorizing Membership to the National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance Corporation.
2010Oct 20 2010



A Resolution of the Board of Commissioners to show appreciation to Jerry Govia for more than twenty years of superb service to the District.
2010Dec 8 20102010-017A Resolution of the Commission of Public Utility District No. 1 of Jefferson County, Washington declaring its approval of Resolution No. 11-4-10-6 enacted by the Board for the Public Utility Risk Management Services Self-Insurance Fund at its annual meeting on November 4, 2010.
2009Jan 21 20092009-001A Resolution of the Commission of Public Utility District No. 1 of Jefferson County, Washington, (the District) accepting the Marrowstone Island Water System Improvements to the Quimper Water System as constructed for the District by the Washington State Contractors listed below (the Contractors).
2009Feb 18 20092009-002A Resolution ordering changes to certain Assessments on the Assessment Roll of Local Utility District No. 14.
2009Mar 4 20092009-003A Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of Public Utility District No. 1 of Jefferson County, Washington making application for membership in Energy Northwest.
2009Apr 1 20092009-004A Resolution f the Board of Commissioners to show their appreciation to M. Kelly Hays for more than three years of superb service for the District, its customers and the citizens of Jefferson County.
2009Mar 18 20092009-005A Resolution of the Commission of Public Utility District No. 1 of Jefferson County, Washington, authorizing the issuance and sale of Local Utility District No. 14 Bonds, 2009 in the principal amount of $2,000.000; providing the form and terms of the bonds; and accepting the offer of Cashmere Valley Bank to purchase the bonds.
2009Apr 1 20092009-006A Resolution of the Commission of Public Utility District No. 1 of Jefferson County, Washington, authoring the execution and approval of a Fifth Repayment Agreement relating to a line of credit for Northwest Open Access Network.
2009Apr 15 20092009-007A Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of Public Utility District No. 1 of Jefferson County, Washington ordering the change to an assessment on the Assessment Roll of Local Utility District #14
2009May 20 20092009-009A Resolution ordering the Transfer of an Assessment on the Assessment Roll of Local Utility District No. 3.
2009May 20 20092009-010A Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of Public Utility District No. 1 of Jefferson County, Washington ordering the change to an assessment on the Assessment Roll of Local Utility District #14.
2009Jun 17 20092009-011A Resolution of the Board of Commissioners to show their appreciation to Thomas. C. Neal for more than seventeen years of superb service for the District, its customers and the citizens of Jefferson County.
2009Jun 3 20092009-012A Resolution canceling an outstanding warrant that has not been redeemed within one year.
2009Jun 3 20092009-013A Resolution authoizring Public Utility District No. 1 of Jefferson County to participate in the 2009 revision of the Jefferson County-City of Port Townsend Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan
2009Jul 1 20092009-014A Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of Public Utility District No. 1 of Jefferson County, Washington ordering the change to an assessment on the Assessment Roll of Local Utility District #14.
2009Nov 18 20092009-015A Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of Public Utility District No. 1 of Jefferson County, Washington adopting the limit factor for property tax increase for 2010 budget purposes.
2009Nov 18 20092009-016A Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of Public Utility District No. 1 of Jefferson County, Washington to neither increase nor decrease their regular levy versus the District’s prior year’s levy amount, not including increases that would occur from new construction and increases in the states valued assessed properties.
2009Dec 9 20092009-017A Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of Public Utility District No. 1 of Jefferson County, Washington ordering the change to an assessment on the Assessment Roll of Local Utility District #14.
2009Dec 9 20092009-018A Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of Public Utility District No. 1 of Jefferson County, Washington ordering the change to an assessment on the Assessment Roll of Local utility District #14.
2009Nov 18 20092009-019A Resolution Adopting a Budget for the Calendar Year 2010.
2008Feb 29 20082008-001Resolution of the Board of Commissioners Approving and Confirming the Assessment and Assessment Roll of Local Utility District 15, Levying an Assessment against land shown on the Assessment Roll, fixing interest and penalties, and providing for the payment of such assessments, interest and penalties into the U.L.I.D. No. 15 Assessment Fund of the District.
2008Apr 16 20082008-002A Resolution of the Board of Commissioners accepting the Olympic Mobile Village Water System, DOH ID #20514, as a gift and contribution from the Owners and an agreement for District to commence operation and management of the facilities.
2008Apr 16 20082008-003A Resolution of the Board of Commissioners authorizing the issuance and sale of a Revenue Bond for Local Improvement District No. 15, in the principal amount of $1,053,076; providing the form and terms of the bond; and accepting the offer of First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Port Angeles to purchase the bond.
2008Jun 4 20082008-004A Resolution of the Board of Commissioners establishing a line of credit and providing for the issuance and sale of a Marrowstone Island Local Utility District Bond Anticipation Note of the District in the principal amount of not to exceed $1,700,000 to evidence the line of credit; providing the form and terms of the note; and accepting the offer of First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Port Angeles to purchase the note.
2008Jul 2 20082008-005A Resolution of the Public Utility District No. 1 of Jefferson County, Washington declaring certain property as surplus and authorizing its sale.
2008Jul 22 20082008-006A Resolution establishing a Mutual Aid Agreement by and between Washington Public Utility District Association and Public Utility District No. 1 of Jefferson County.
2008Jul 2 20082008-007A Resolution accepting a constructed watermain extension to the Quimper-Glen Cove Water System as a gift and contribution in aid of construction from the Developer and an agreement for the District to commence operation and management of the facilities.
2008Jul 2 20082008-008A Resolution accepting a constructed watermain extension to the Quimper-Glen Cove South Water System as a gift sand contribution in aid of construction from the Developer and an agreement for the District to commence operation and management of the facilities.
2008Sep 3 20082008-009A Resolution of the Commission of Public Utility District No. 1 of Jefferson County authorizing the execution of a Fourth Repayment Agreement relating to a line of credit for Northwest Open Access Network.
2008Nov 5 20082008-010A Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of Public Utility District No. 1 of Jefferson County, Washington adopting a Preliminary Assessment Roll for Local Utility District No. 14 and fixing the time and place of a Public Hearing on the Preliminary Assessment roll and providing for Notice of such Hearing.
2008Nov 19 20082008-011A Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of Public Utility District No. 1 of Jefferson County, Washington to decrease their regular levy versus the District’s prior year’s levy amount; not including increases that would occur from new construction and increases in states valued assessed properties.
2008Nov 19 2008



A Resolution Adopting the Budget for the Calendar Year 2009.
2008Dec 10 20082008-013A Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of Public Utility District No. 1 of Jefferson County, Washington (“the District”) approving and confirming the Assessments and Assessment Roll of Local Utility District No. 14; levying Assessments against the several lots, tracts and parcels of land shown on the Assessment Roll; fixing interest and penalties; and providing for the payment of such Assessments, interest and penalties into the Local Utility District No. 14 Assessment Fund of the District.
2008Oct 6 20082008-014A Resolution canceling outstanding warrants that have not been redeemed within one year.
2020Oct 5 20202020-018Resolution regarding the adoption of a risk management policyRM Policy
2020Oct 5 20202020-020Resolution regarding the adoption of a budget for the calendar year 2021
2020Oct 5 20202020-021Resolution regarding determining substantial need and adopting the limit factor for property tax increases for 2021 budget purposes.
2020Oct 20 20202020-022Resolution regarding the levy amount and determining it does not need to increase their regular levy versus the District's prior year's levy amount.
2020Nov 3 20202020-023Resolution authorizing the approval and execution of a Repayment Agreement to provide security for bonds to be issued by Northwest Open Access Network.
2020Dec 1 20202020-024Resolution establishing date for the Shine Plat LUD Hearing
2020Dec 18 20202020-025Resolution regarding pole attachment rates.
2020Dec 18 20202020-026Resolution authorizing the Jefferson County Treasurer to cancel outstanding warrants
2021Jan 19 20212021-001Resolution approving a fee for after-hours call-outs.
2021Feb 2 20212021-002Resolution ordering the Segregation of an Assessment on the Assessment Roll of Local Utility District (LUD) No. 5
2021Feb 2 20212021-003Resolution ordering the Segregation of an Assessment on the Assessment Roll of Local Utility District (LUD) No. 3.
2021Feb 16 20212021-004Resolution amending the Customer Service Policy Section 10.3.3 - Water Leak Adjustments.
2021Feb 16 20212021-005Resolution directing the Jefferson County Treasurer to Transfer Funds and Close Certain Accounts
2021Feb 23 20212021-006Resolution reestablishing a date for a hearing of Shine Plat LUD No. 17
2021Mar 16 20212021-007Resolution amending the Procurement Manual and Authorize the Sale of Certain Equipment on Where-Is, As-Is Basis
2021Mar 16 20212021-008Resolution adopting the JPUD 2021 Water System Plan Volume 1 and Volume 2 Chapters 1 (General Methodologies for Individual System Evaluations) and 2 (Bywater Bay Water System).
2021Mar 23 20212021-009Resolution ordering certain local improvements and creating a local utility district; providing for the payment of the cost of such improvements by special assessments; and authorizing payment of such assessments into the local utility district find of the District. (Shine Plat LUD #17)
2021Apr 6 20212021-010Resolution to Declare Certain Property Surplus and Authorize its Sale
2021Mar 16 20212021-011Resolution to Purchase Property from Jefferson County, Washington, Grant an Easement for the Discovery Bay Trail, and Pay Cash
2021Apr 20 20212021-012Resolution revising, updating and approving certain changes to the PUD water rates.
2021Apr 20 20212021-013Resolution revising, removing and superseding the Lighting and Miscellaneous service rates established in Resolution No. 2018-029
2021Apr 22 20212021-014Resolution updating Bill Credits for its Customer Service Policies.
2021June 1 20212021-015Resolution revising, updating and approving certain changes to the PUD electric rates.
2021Jun 15 20212021-016Resolution authorizing staff to apply for a rural broadband infrastructure construction grant from the Community Economic Revitalization Board (CERB).
2021Jun 15 20212021-017Resolution revising, updating, and approving certain changes to the PUD low-income water rate discount program and revising the PUD Rate Schedule to include the Low-Income discounts for electric and water customers.
2021Jul 6 20212021-018Resolution authorizing submission of project information to the WSBO and committing resources to the project
2021Jul 21 20212021-020Resolution Revising Exhibit B of Resolution 2020-004Schedule of Charges
2021Jul 20 20212021-021Resolution regarding CFC one card reimbursement agreement
2021Aug 3 20212021-024Resolution authorizing rates for the sale of retail Internet Services; approving revised rates for wholesale Internet Services, and approving Telecommunication Customer Service Policies.Wholesale Rates
Retail Rates
Telecom Policy
2021Aug 3 20212021-022Resolution authorizing an Interlocal Agreement with Public Utility District No. 3 of Mason County, Washington (PUD 3) regarding fiber optic construction.
2021Jun 22 20212021-025Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the Port Hadlock Sewer
2021Sept 7 20212021-026Resolution authorizing the General Manager to execute an Operations and Maintenance Service Agreement for Phase 2 of the Meadows Community Onsite Septic System O&M Agreement
2021Sept 21 20212021-027Resolution establishing the JPUD Energy Efficiency Loan Program
2021Sept 21 20212021-028Resolution authorizing staff to apply to the Washington State Public Works Board- Broadband Federal funded program for a grant to construct fiber along East Discovery Bay and Anderson Lake Rd.
2021Sept 17 20212021-029Resolution declaring the period of September 17 through September 19, 2021, a state of emergency and authorizing the PUD Manager to purchase materials and order work to assist regularly employed personnel in the amount necessary.
2021Aug 3 20212021-023Resolution accepting Department of Health’s 2020 Drinking Water State Revolving Fund loan for the Local Utility District No. 17, Shine Plat and authorizing the General Manager to sign loan contract.
2021Oct 4 20212021-033Resolution amending the Procurement Manual and Authorize an increase in Purchase of Goods, Equipment, Materials and Supplies Procurement Matrix and Bid Limits and Public Works Procurement Matrix and Bid Limits Consistent with State Law.
2021Oct 04 20212021-032Resolution authorizing the General Manager to execute Amendment No. 2 to the Agreement for Assumption of Operations and Maintenance of Wastewater Treatment and Collection Facilities
2021Oct 04 20212021-031Resolution authorizing the application for a Public Infrastructure Fund grant for the Port Townsend Sims Gateway and Tree Management Project (“Project”) and approving an Interlocal Agreement with the City of Port Townsend and the Port of Port Townsend to complete the Project
2021Oct 04 2021 2021-030Resolution affirming that an increase to its regular levy versus the District’s prior year’s levy amount is not needed, not including increases that are exempt under RCW 84.55.
2021Nov 02 20212021-037A Resolution of the Board of Commissioners of Public Utility District (PUD) No. 1 of Jefferson County, Washington, authorizing the provision of both Retail and Wholesale Telecommunications Service within the PUD’s Service Territory Pursuant to Engrossed Substitute House Bill 1336 and Senate Bill 5383 and Authorizing the PUD to Notify the Washington State Broadband Office.
2021Nov 02 20212021-036A RESOLUTION of the Board of Commissioners of Public Utility District No. 1 of Jefferson County, Washington (“the PUD”), adopting a Budget for the Calendar Year 2022.Budget
2021Nov 02 20212021-035A RESOLUTION of the Board of Commissioners of Public Utility District No. 1 of Jefferson County, Washington (the “PUD”) to Declare Certain Property Surplus and Authorize its Sale
2021Nov 02 20212021-034A RESOLUTION of the Board of Commissioners of Public Utility District No. 1 of Jefferson County, Washington (the “PUD”) to Declare Certain Property Surplus and Authorize its Sale
2021Nov 15 20212021-040Resolution declaring the period of November 15, 2021, through November 19th, 2021, a state of emergency and authorizing the PUD Manager to purchase materials and order work to assist regularly employed personnel in the amount necessary.
2021Dec 14 20212021-042Resolution adopting the JPUD 2021 Water System Plan Volume 2 Chapters 3-9 (Gardiner, Coyle, Quimper, Lazy C, Triton Cove, Snow Creek, Mats View, Quilcene Water Systems) and Volume 3.Water System Plans
2022Tue Jan 18 20222022-005A Resolution finalizing offer to purchase real estate at 240 Four Corners Rd.
2022Tue Jan 18 20222022-004A resolution finalizing an offer to purchase real estate at 191 Otto Street.
2022Tue Jan 18 20222022-003A resolution establishing a salary cost of living adjustment (COLA) for Non-Represented employees for 2022.
2022Tue Jan 04 20222022-001A resolution certifying the Secretary of the Board to authorize that Will O’Donnell of the PUD, has the assigned Administrator security role on behalf of the Corporation, who shall be responsible for assigning access to new users, and entering and updating applications in USDA’s online application system for the ReConnect Program and Community Connect Grant Program.
2022Tue Jan 04 20222022-002Resolution declaring the period of December 24, 2021 through January 8, 2022, a state of emergency and authorizing the PUD Manager to purchase materials and order work to assist regularly employed personnel in the amount necessary.
2022Tue Mar 01 20222022-011A Resolution revising and superseding Exhibit B of Resolution 2021-020 adopting various construction rates for electric services and Exhibit A of Resolution 2016-020 adopting various electric service regulations.Schedule A: Regulations
Schedule B: Charges
2022Tue Mar 15 20222022-012A Resolution establishing times and dates for regular meetings.
2022Tue Mar 22 20222022-010A Resolution approving a Contract with Vision Metering, LLC for a District Meter Replacement Program.
2022Tue Mar 22 20222022-013A resolution Regarding Declaration of an Emergency Regarding Procurement of Supplies, Materials and Parts Impacted by the COVID-19 Pandemic.
2022Tue Apr 05 20222022-018A resolution establishing policies regarding hiring incentives to attract and retain PUD employees.Hiring Incentives Policy
2022Tue Apr 05 20222022-016A resolution authorizing the General Manager to execute an updated Agreement for Operation and Maintenance Services for the Port of Port Townsend’s Large On-site Septic System at Herb Beck Marina.
2022Tue Apr 05 20222022-017A resolution revising, removing and superseding the Schedule of Charges and Fees for Water and Sewer Services in Exhibit A of Resolution 2020-005 and adopting an updated Schedule of Charges and Fees for Water and Sewer Services.Schedule of Charges and Fees for Water and Sewer Services
2022Tue Apr 05 20222022-014A resolution authorizing the General Manager to execute an updated Satellite Management Agency (SMA) Contract for Operation and Maintenance Services for the Port of Port Townsend’s Water System (DOH ID No. 25931) at Herb Beck Marina.
2022Tue May 03 20222022-019A resolution for Redistricting
2022Tue May 03 20222022-020A resolution awarding a contract and authorizing the General Manager to execute all necessary contracts for the Quilcene Water Tank project.
2022Tue May 03 20222022-015A resolutions regarding PUD sponsored life insurance policies.
2022Tue May 03 20222022-021A resolution of the Board of Commissioners designating signers for all checking accounts for the PUD.
2022Tue May 17 20222022-022A Resolution authorizing the General Manager to negotiate certain insurance coverage with the Public Utility Risk Management Services (PURMS)
2022Tue Jun 21 20222022-023A Resolution Authorizing Agreement for Assumption of Operation and Maintenance of Pleasant Harbor Marina & Golf Wastewater FacilitiesPleasant Harbor Marina & Golf Wastewater Agreement
2022Tue Sep 20 20222022-024A Resolution Authorizing an AMI Project Customer Side Repair Policy
2022Tue Sep 20 20222022-025A Resolution Authorizing Property Surplus and authorizing its sale
2022Mon Oct 03 20222022-026A Resolution authorizing the General Manager to execute grant agreements for the Discovery Bay East area Broadband project.
2022Mon Oct 03 20222022-030A Resolution authorizing the BOC of the PUD stating it does not need to increase their regular levy versus the District’s prior year’s levy amount, not including increases that are exempt under RCW 84.55.
2022Thu Oct 13 20222022-031A resolution authorizing the General Manager to apply for the ReConnect Program, USDA, and related grant and loan agreements.
2022Thu Oct 13 20222022-032A resolution authorizing rates for the sale of retail Internet Services to serve residents of Jefferson County, Washington.
2022Tue Oct 18 20222022-033A Resolution authorizing the General Manager to apply for Loan-Grant Combination funding from the ReConnect Program
2022Tue Oct 18 20222022-034A Resolution rescinding Resolution No. 2020-006 regarding COVID-19 and lifting of the Declaration of Emergency
2022Tue Oct 18 20222022-035A Resolution authorizing the General Manager to enter into grant agreements with Washington State Broadband Office (WSBO), to extend to communities of Quilcene, Discovery Bay and Gardiner a Broadband fiberoptic networkWSBO Resolution
2022Tue Oct 18 20222022-036A Resolution authorizing the General Manager to take all necessary steps to apply for Loan-Grant Combination funding from the ReConnect Program, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), and execute related grant and loan agreements.
2022Tue Oct 18 20222022-037A Resolution adopting a Budget for the Calendar Year 2023.2023 Budget Presentation
2022Mon Oct 03 20222022-027A Resolution selecting an auditor for the PUDs annual audit review.
2022Mon Oct 03 20222022-028A Resolution agreement for Operation and Maintenance Services for the Port of Port Townsend’s Large On- site Septic System at the Jefferson County Airport
2022Mon Oct 03 20222022-029A Resoluion agreement for Operation and Maintenance Services for the Port of Port Townsend’s Large On- site Septic System at the Jefferson County Airport.
2022Tue Nov 08 20222022-041A Resolution declaring the period of November 4, 2022, through November 14, 2022, a state of emergency.
2022Tue Nov 01 20222022-038A Resolution authorizing the General Manager to take all necessary steps to apply for Loan-Grant Combination funding from the ReConnect Program, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), and execute related grant and loan agreements.
2022Tue Nov 01 20222022-039A Resolution of acceptance of the 2022 Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Consolidation Feasibility Study Grant – Lazy C and Downtown Brinnon Consolidation
2022Tue Nov 01 20222022-040A Resolution authorizing the General Manager to sign the service contract for PGG to conduct a pump test and develop a groundwater flow model under Ecology Preliminary Permit GR-29120.
2022Tue Nov 01 20222022-031a
2022Thu Dec 22 20222022-042A joint resolution between Jefferson County, City of PT, The Port of PT, and Jefferson PUD establishing a process for collaborating on issues of mutual importance.
2022Tue Dec 13 20222022-043A resolution of the BOC revising the PUD's customer budget payment program to a Variable Budget Program.Updated Customer Service Policy (12.22)
2022Tue Dec 13 20222022-044A resolution of the BOC revising, updating, and approving certain changes to the Beckett Point wastewater/sewer rates.Wastewater Rate Schedule
2022Tue Dec 20 20222022-045A resolution of the BOC awarding water system construction for Shine Plat (No. 17) to Seton Construction, Inc.
2023Tue Jan 03 20232023-001A resolution of the BOC authorizing the Jefferson County Treasurer to cancel outstanding warrants.
2023Tue Jan 03 20232023-002A resolution for auditor selecting to assist with audit services
2023Tue Jan 03 20232023-003A resolution selecting an Auditor to assist the PUD with necessary annual audit services
2023Tue Jan 17 20232023-004A resolution declaring emergency repair of substation transformers and declaring unprecedented continuing impacts to supply chains creating an immediate threat to essential utility functions
2023Tue Jan 17 20232023-005A resolution authorizing the use of Automated Clearing House (ACH) payments from its current bank account.
2023Tue Feb 07 20232023-006A resolution establishing a salary cost of living adjustment for non-represented employees for 2023.
2023Tue Feb 07 20232023-007A resolution rescinding previous rates and polices and adopting new revised rates, charges, and policies for retail and wholesale broadband services
2023Tue Feb 07 2023 2023-008A resolution amending the Customer Service Policy senior low-income rate reduction program
2023Tue Feb 21 20232023-009A resolution providing support of a fiber optic project in Brinnon, Jefferson County
2023Tue Mar 28 20232023-010A Resolution authorizing the PUD President to sign RUS loan/grant related agreements for WA 1705-A71WA 1705-A71 Loan-Grant Offer Letter
2023Tue Apr 04 20232023-011A resolution accepting the 2022 DWSRF funding award for Phase 2 of Coyle Water Main Improvement Project.
2023Tue Apr 04 20232023-012A resolution awarding the construction contract for the Hunt Rd Water Line Extension.
2023Tue Jun 06 20232023-014A Resolution approving the sale of certain timber at Port Ludlow substation.
2023Tue Jul 18 20232023-017A resolution to resume the assessing of late fees and (re)establishing the late charge.
2023Tue Aug 01 20232023-018A resolution authorizing the BOC to amend the Customer Service Policy for compliance with HB1329 Extreme Heat MoratoriumCS Policy Update - Sec 11
2023Tue Aug 15 20232023-019A resolution authorizing the Jefferson County Treasurer to cancel outstanding warrants.
2023Tue Aug 15 20232023-020A resolution adopting new and revised rates, charges and policies for retail and wholesale broadband services.Broadband Service Policy

Broadband Rates & Charges
2023Tue May 02 20232023-013A resolution authorizing issuance of an electric system revenue bond not to exceed $5.43M
2023Wed Jun 07 20232023-015A resolution authorizing issuance of an electric system revenue bond not to exceed $4,061,116.
2023Tue Jun 20 20232023-016A resolution to correct the "not to exceed principle amount" of the electric system revenue bond.
2023Tue Aug 22 20232023-021A resolution creating the position of Treasurer within the PUD
2023Tue Sep 05 20232023-022A resolution adopting new and revised retail and wholesale broadband rates and charges
2022Tue Oct 18 20222022-046A resolution approving retail internet service policies, acceptable use policies, and a retail service subscriber agreement.
2023Tue Sep 19 20232023-023A resolution by the Board of Commissioners adopting various construction rates for electric services.
2023Tue Sep 19 20232023-024A resolution by the Board of Commissioners authorizing new accounts and designating signers for all PUD checking accounts.
2022Tue Jan 25 20222022-006A resolution revising, updating, and approving changes to the PUD's cross connection control program.Cross Connection Control Program
2023Mon Oct 02 20232023-025A resolution stating the Utility does not need to increase the regular levy versus the prior year's levy amount.
2023Mon Oct 02 20232023-026A resolutions adopting a utility budget for the calendar year 2024.
2023Mon Oct 16 2023 2023-027A resolution authorizing participation in funding for a feasibility study by Energy Northwest.
2023Tue Nov 21 20232023-029A resolution rescinding previous rates and adopting new and revised rates and charges for retail and wholesale broadband services.
2023Wed Nov 16 20232023-028A joint resolution establishing a multi-governmental process collaborating on issues of mutual importance.
2024Tue Jan 16 20242024-001A resolution by the BOC revising and superseding Exhibit B of Resolution 2023-023 and adopting various construction rates for electric services.
2024Tue Jan 16, 20242024-002A resolution of the BOC establishing a salary COLA for Non-Represented employees for 2024.
2024Feb 06 20242024-003A resolution of adoption of a just and reasonable pole attachment rate
2024Feb 06 20242024-004A resolution designating signers for all checking accounts for the PUD.
2024Feb 06 20242024-005A resolution authorizing the General Manager to execute all necessary contracts for the Olympic Corridor and In-Betweens Fiber Construction Project.
2024Feb 20 20242024-006A resolution amending the Customer Service Policy, section 10.6.2 to raise the eligibility requirement for the Senior Low-Income Rate Reduction Program.Updated CS Policy (Feb 2024)
2024Mar 25 20242024-007A resolution approving the submission of an application to the Washington State Public Works Board-Broadband program for a loan for an eligible construction project.
2024Apr 02, 20242024-008A resolution adopting a Hybrid Remote Work Policy to replace the current Telecommute Policy to promote in-person collaboration among team members.
2024Apr 16 20242024-009A Resolution of the Board of Commissioners adopting an update to the utility Procurement Manual.
2024May 21 2024 2024-010A Resolution of the Board of Commissioners authorizing an offer to purchase 193 Otto Street in Port Townsend.
2024Jun 18 20242024-011A resolution by the PUD board of commissioners authorizing the Jefferson County Treasurer to cancel outstanding warrants.
2024June 18 20242024-012A resolution approving the submission of an application to the Washington State Public Works Board for loan and grant funding to repair the Coyle Water System.
2024Sep 03 20242024-013A resolution by the Board delegating the declaration of emergencies to the General Manager for emergencies.
2024Sep 03 20242024-014A resolution by the Board, upon a hearing, ordering the final assessment for certain local improvements for LUD No. 17 – Shine Plat LUD; and providing for the payment of the cost of such improvements by special assessments.
2024Sep 17 20242024-015A resolution declaring Vision Metering a sole source, waiving the competitive bidding requirement for purchase of Advanced Metering Infrastructure System equipment from Vision Metering.
2024Sep 17 20242024-016A resolution declaring Calix a sole source, waiving the competitive bidding requirement for purchase of telecommunications equipment and software from Calix.
2024Sep 17 20242024-017A resolution authorizing the Jefferson County Treasurer to cancel outstanding warrants.
2024Oct 07 20242024-018A resolution stating the District does not need to increase their regular levy versus the District’s prior year’s levy amount, not including increases that are exempt under RCW 84.55.
2024Oct 15 20242024-020A resolution adopting a Budget for the Calendar Year 2024.Exhibit A
2024Nov 05 20242024-021A resolution authorizing the General Manager to accept the Washington State Public Works Board-Broadband program grant and loan award for the Northeast Olympic FTTP Match project.
2024Nov 19 20242024-023A resolution of the BOC creating a Utility Assistance Grant, Shut-Off Protection Program for its low-income residential customers.
2024Nov 19 20242024-024A resolution of the BOC amending the Customer Service Policy Section 10.3.3 – Water Leak Adjustments.
2024Nov 19 20242024-022A resolution authorizing the amendment of the existing Interlocal Agreement with the Port of Port Townsend regarding IT Services.
2024Dec 10 20242024-026A resolution establishing capacity fees and charges for electric services provided by the PUD.

for copies of resolutions prior to 2008, please submit a public records request.