Scheduled Rate Change Takes Effect July 5th

Rate increase addresses increasing costs and funds critical infrastructure updates.

In July of 2022 PUD electric rates undergo the second of a previously scheduled four-year slate of gradual increases. Commissioners adopted the increases in June of 2021 following an extensive cost of service study.

The study provided adjustment recommendations for all utility-managed systems, including electricity, water, and sewer services. The adjustments were recommended to recover the costs of operating, maintaining, and improving the PUD’s utility infrastructure. The commission chose to spread rate adjustments out over four years to make the increases more gradual. Commissioners review the four-year rate schedule on an annual basis.

“We’ve been working on increasing our reliability, replacing old infrastructure, reducing outages, and planning for the future,” said Jeff Randall, DIST 1 Commissioner. “Over time, like all utilities, we need to adjust our rates to keep up with the cost of service.”  

“The General Manager and the Board are sensitive to the fact that inflation is raging, and customers are being squeezed from many directions,” said Dan Toepper, DIST 3 Commissioner. “There would not be consensus among us if we thought there was another option than to stay on schedule with rate increases. Maintaining system reliability and providing a high level of customer service are at the core of our decision-making process.”

July 2022 electric residential rate increases will see the monthly base rate move from $21 to $23.50. Consumption rates will increase on a tiered basis as shown in the chart below.

According to PUD General Manager Kevin Streett, the rate increases needed to go forward.

“These rate increases were first proposed in 2020 to catch up with costs the PUD wasn’t recovering back then. Right now, with supply-chain issues, fuel prices and inflation, costs are way beyond 2020 and well beyond what we ever would have budgeted for 2022.”

Along with rates, the PUD commission has also increased the amount available to help low-income customers pay their bills. 

“We’ve tried to do this as fairly as possible, while being sensitive to the support we provide to our low income customers.” Randall said. “Ultimately, we are trying to provide good value for our customers’ money while maintaining reliable and effective service.”

More info on payment assistance programs and applications for low-income program eligibility are available on our website by clicking Payment Assistance or here. To view the full electric rate schedule click Rates/Specifications under the Electric tab or click here.



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