Distribution System Transformers Annual Bid
Jefferson County PUD in Port Townsend, Washington, invites sealed bids to be received at the office of the District, Attn: Alyson Dean 310 Four Corners Rd, Port Townsend, WA 98368 until 3:00 p.m., Pacific Standard Time, on Tuesday December 6th, 2016 for Distribution System Transformers including Single Phase Pole Mount, Single Phase Padmount and Three Phase Padmount RUS Approved Transformers.
Prospective bidders are hereby notified that they are solely responsible for ensuring timely delivery of their bid to Jefferson County PUD on or before the bid submission date and time indicated above.
The bid documents are available for viewing on our website at https://www.jeffpud.org/requests-for-qualifications/. They may also be picked up at the office located at 310 Four Corners Rd, Port Townsend, WA 98368, requested by telephone at (360) 385-8349 or by email at adean@jeffpud.org.
Jefferson County PUD reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive informalities or irregularities.