What’s up with the email notifications?
If you are a SmartHub customer, you likely received an email notification that your bill statement is ready, even if the bill date has already passed. Below is a copy of the email we have sent customers explaining what happened.
Dear Customer,
Recently a setting was changed on our new system that caused email notifications to be sent to all our SmartHub customers for their bills created since our transition to the new billing system in November. This includes notifications for bills that you may have already paid. The setting change was made so that an email notification can be sent to you when your new statements are available to view online. This one-time setting change should have been made as soon as we knew the system was working correctly. We apologize for the confusion or any inconvenience this may have caused in not making this change sooner. Please note that this change had no impact on your actual bill. It was merely a delayed email notification that your bill statement is available to view online.
If you still have concerns regarding your current balance or status of a payment you can either log into your account on SmartHub at https://jeffpud.smarthub.coop/Login.html#login: or call us at 385-5800.
Thank you,
Bill Graham
Resource Manager
Jefferson PUD#1
(360) 385-8375
(360) 385-8373 FX