All County Picnic in Place

Jefferson County PUD is proud to take part in the All County Picnic in Place. The All County Picnic motivates East Jefferson County residents to develop resiliency through fostering community and raising awareness about local emergency resources. The Picnic is a chance to connect with local emergency management, first responders, community leaders and elected officials, eat (free!) corn on the cob with your neighbors and learn about the resources that exist to serve you and your community.

We are encouraging households to picnic on their front porches or in their front yards and to walk about their neighborhoods connecting with neighbors at a safe distance. Wearing a mask is recommended, as is remaining six feet apart from individuals who are not members of your household.

We ask that all participants adopt and adhere to these recommendations and best practices as part of their own personal commitment to social responsibility and public safety. Our community will be living with COVID-19 for the foreseeable future, and we need to remain mindful while nurturing our friendships and community networks.

COVID-19: Community Preparedness & Resilience Presentation

5 PM | Sunday, August 16

Department of Emergency Management Director Willie Bence, local public safety officials, and Emergency Operations Center staff (including the PUD’s Don McDaniel) will discuss the local response to COVID-19, as well as, lessons learned and key factors to our success moving forward. The online presentation will conclude with an open discussion about ways to continue to build community resilience under the “new normal” of COVID-19.

Participants have two opportunities to tune in:

1.     There will be a link to watch a live stream of the presentation on this webpage. Participants watching the live stream via the website can email questions to the panel at:

2.     Sign up with Twitch to log in, stream the presentation, and submit questions to the panel via the interactive chat features. LINK TO TWITCH

Questions will be answered at the end of the presentation. The number of questions answered will be as time allows.

More INFO:

All County Picnic In Place a new take on annual preparedness event



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