2024 Budget Foundations

The PUD’s annual budget, to be discussed at the BOC budget hearing on October 2, is built upon revenue and expense forecasting for electric, water, wastewater, and broadband operations. 

For the latest Budget Review prior to our annual budget discussions, be sure to see our August 22, Special Meeting here.

Infrastructure Upgrades

Infrastructure upgrades command a large portion of the budget. A variety of projects are planned for 2024, including broadband construction, substation transformer and regulator purchases, and water system projects totaling $23.4M. 72% of budgeted infrastructure costs will be covered by State and federal grants. 

Expenses – Utility Operating Costs

2024 budget assumptions are projected to decrease expenses 3.5% (adjusted for the value of the dollar) from operating expenses in 2023. 2024 expenses include increasing the tree trimming budget from $800K to $1M annually, and funding for 13 new or open staff positions at the PUD.

A 5-Year financial look back helps organizations better understand the the overall financial health of the organization and to identify expense trends while also aiding in the 10-year financial forecast.










Operating revenue is the money generated from the sale of electricity or water to our customers, businesses, and other entities. Operating revenue is used to cover utility expenses, such as the cost of purchasing energy and the cost of maintaining and operating transmission and distribution lines, the cost of billing and customer service, and the cost of depreciation and amortization.




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